Our ADD/ADHD Approach

In conjunction with our non-punitive time-out system, we build frequent breaks into the day so students are not trapped in the classroom. Our faculty understands that a short walk outside can dissipate energy and frustration, helping students with ADD/ADHA return to participate in class. Our students understand that asking for a time-out break is not bad but a necessary pause to find their way back to the subject at hand. Trust is built both ways between faculty and students.

We see each student with ADD/ADHD as an individual with their unique challenges and strengths. Each diagnosis, such as ADD/ADHD, is unique. Most importantly, a student is not a diagnosis. They may be challenged with ADD/ADHD but it does not define them. We create the space and time to connect to the individual and teach to each student's strengths and passions. We work to break down barriers and provide a flexible, encouraging, and safe environment.

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We have weekly visiting mornings on most Tuesdays. Reserve your spot today.

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